Payment Methods


The payment of your order at may be done with the predetermined method that has been agreed with each customer.

According to Law Ν.4446/2016 article 69 § 2 invoices over 500 euro cannot be paid by cash (or cash on delivery), but with the use of any electronic means (bank deposit, etc.). Cash on delivery (COD) as a payment method is not available for orders outside Greece.

In case of bank deposit, you do not have any additional charge from ESTIA HOME ART SA for the payment of your order.

The bank accounts, in which you have to deposit the exact final amount of your order, as stated in the order confirmation you received on your email are the following:

    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00260067250200840182
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR9202600670000250200840182
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 84996157
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR8001608910000000084996157
    ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ ΛΟΓΑΡΙΑΣΜΟΥ: 5073096556824
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR7701720730005073096556824
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 140002002011702
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR4501401400140002002011702
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 17100334485
    ΙΒΑΝ: GR5801101710000017100334485

If the deposit is made from your account e.g., from National Bank of Greece to our National Bank account you will not be charged any additional costs. Any expenses charged by a different bank will burden you completely. The amount you send to our bank account should be the exact final amount of your order without any deduction from your bank.  ESTIA HOME ART SA us charged only with the expenses of our bank (SHA).

At the deposit, ESTIA HOME ART SA, the company that has created the online store, must be mentioned as the beneficiary of the account. Upon completion of the bank transfer, please inform, either by email or by phone, ESTIA HOME ART SA< so that the process of ordering and sending the requested products can proceed.

Please note that the payment process through a bank account must be completed within 3 working days, otherwise the order will be considered invalid.

In case of refund from  ESTIA HOME ART SA due to cancellation or return of products, a bank account will be credit, which you will indicate followed by an IBAN number. Any expenses the bank in which you have your account charges you, burden only you.